Mobile Homes
Generally, mobile homes are transferred in the same manner as vehicles, except proof of insurance is not required. Currently, there are several types of Kentucky Titles that have been issued. The procedures followed are based on what type of title the seller was issued. Titles issued after February 2000 have the assignment portion and vehicle transaction record form combined on the back of the Certificate of Title. These titles would not require the VTR form # TC96-182 in order to transfer a vehicle or trailer. Titles issued prior to February 2000 only have the assignment portion on back of the Certificate of Title and would require the VTR form # TC96-182 submitted along with the Title. The following documents & information are required:
- Kentucky Certificate of Title clears of all liens, with assignment portion properly completed by buyer & seller. Depending on what year your title was issued determines the procedure that you follow for a transfer.
- Application for title/registration (VTR form # TC96-182): If title issued before February 2000 must be completed, signed by all registered owners and notarized. Persons that have power of attorney for the owner(s) may sign, but a copy of the power of attorney must be submitted with the application. If County Clerk staff notarizes signatures, identification must be presented. Note: Titles that contain AND (instead of OR) between the names of owners requires the signature of all owners.
- Social Security Number for each party appearing on the title or Federal ID Number for companies
- If Mobile Home has beem moved, a Fire Marshal inspection is required.
- If Mobile Home has NOT been moved, the Affidavit for Previously Owned Manufactured/Mobile Homes [PDF – 14KB] has to be signed and notarized.